Tom Lane <> writes:
> I think putting a version number as such in there is a truly
> horrid idea. However, I could get behind adding a boolean flag
> that says specifically whether the pipeline feature exists.
> Then you'd do something like
> rather than embedding knowledge of exactly which release
> added that.
That would be even better, but I agree with what others have
said: we would have to keep adding such feature test macros
going forward.
I think ideally you would want to have both since the version
macro could still be helpful in dealing with "features" that you
did not plan to add (aka bugs).
> Comparing v13 and v14 libpq-fe.h, I see that there is a solution
> available now: "#ifdef PQ_QUERY_PARAM_MAX_LIMIT".
Hm, it must have been added recently since I don't see it in 14beta1.
But thanks for the pointer, if nothing better comes up this will
have to do.