Another strange thing is:
in my first mail I wrote: running the dump in in pgadmin works, in the
last mail I wrote pgadmin also produces the error. I played a little bit
how this could be happend.
Everytime ich used the following sql text in the querytool:
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
INSERT INTO public.oned_figures VALUES (1, 'Figure_Wolle1', 476, -476,
2000, 2400, 2400, '\000', 500, 0, 'sinus(0|0|0;30;5;0;0,5;0)',
'2021-08-31 11:53:22.442801', 0, 1);
After each run I deleted the line with a View/Edit Data Panel of the Table.
First run worked.
Second run worked.
Then I changed to SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
Third run worked.
Fourth run throw the error
Then I changed back to SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
Fifth run throw the error too.
And only adding E and second backslash helped.
I could reproduce this behavior everytime I close the query tool and
opened it again.
But this looks more like a pgadmin-bug.
May the source be with you