I have read the README and past posts among other things...
I will very much appreciate any help here and I hope that this post will
help other people in a similar situation
1) when i try to start the cygwin ipc daemon, I get error 1058: the service
did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. I made
the log in as postgres for this service (And I set postgres to login as
service, etc.)
2) After creating postgres, I could not su to postgres with the passwd nor
could I login to postgres. First I had to create a home directory for
postgres and copy my own .bash_profile there. (This may helpo others with
similar problem since this is not mentioned in README file). Now when I try
to login, I get the following error (using login not su since cygwin
recommends login not su)
login: postgres
You are successfully logged in to this server!!!
login: no shell: /bin/bash: Permission denied
This may be more of a cygwin question, but I'm sure that everyone trying to
get through this installation had similar problems.
Thanks for all your help,