On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Bruce Momjian <bruce@momjian.us> wrote:
> > Since there are 19 pages and probably less than 19 interested hackers,
> > maybe we could just each take a page of the list as it stands and go
> > through it at that level? Although many of the threads cross pages, so
> > that's not ideal. Any other ideas?
> The problem is that as they are deleted, they will move. Perhaps I can
> just comment on them to close them and not delete anything.
I checked the patches listing for our own stuff, and confirmed missing
some of the later exchanges. It wouldn't be helpful to a reviewer
without some of the other context on the mailing list.
ISTM if we move to a 'wiki style' patch management, or something more
formal like a bug tracker the work becomes more decentralized and the
patch developer becomes more involved in keeping the patch list up to
date with the latest stuff. I think the wiki, being a more organic
type of approach. is maybe a better fit for postgresql community
style, and there is still a lot of 'plumbing' work to do.
If you want to move some stuff to the wiki I will volunteer to help
out with the initial transfer of patches from the hold list. I can do
some review also, but am only up to snuff to review maybe 20% of the
patches on there, so maybe page/person is not a good way to divide it
up. I think better to just grab a patch and put yourself as a
reviewer on the wiki.