Re: Find out the version of the server - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Adrian Klaver
Subject Re: Find out the version of the server
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In response to Find out the version of the server  (Igor Korot <>)
Responses Re: Find out the version of the server
Re: Find out the version of the server
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On 11/29/24 11:15 AM, Igor Korot wrote:
> Hi, Adrian,
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 10:12 AM Adrian Klaver
> <> wrote:

>> Reuse it for what?
> For building..
> I got a linking errors of not finding sscanf() and sprntf()
> when building my code.
> Googling revealed that MSVC made those inline after
> MSVC 2010.
>>> Is it possible to find what version of the server was used for the build?
>>> Im looking at the Windows Explorer timestamp, which gives me 4 September
>>> 2017.
>> At any point in time there are 5 supported versions of Postgres in play.
>> Given that you could have also built against one of the unsupported
>> versions a file timestamp will not help much. Though if you want to
>> guess, version 10 was released October 5, 2017. It is plausible you
>> built against a RC version in advance of the production release.
> Understood.
> I also tried to open the explorer and go to Properties of the DLL built
> That dialog shows for src/interfaces/libpq/Release/ for the Detail tab
> Type:            Application Extension
> File Version:
> Product name: PostgreSQL
> Product version: 9.6.2
> Can this info be trusted?
>> libpq is backwards compatible, so why not try building against a current
>> version of Postgres and see whats happens?
> Are you saying that the current version can connect even to 9.6.1
> server? (I have a really old Mac with the 9.6.1 version installed).


The CLI client psql is based on libpq and from here:

"If you want to use psql to connect to several servers of different 
major versions, it is recommended that you use the newest version of 
psql. Alternatively, you can keep around a copy of psql from each major 
version and be sure to use the version that matches the respective 
server. But in practice, this additional complication should not be 

If you have a new version of psql available connect to the 9.6.1 
instance to verify.

> Thank you.
>>> Thank you.
>>> P.s. please forgive for any typos as it's been written from the Android
>>> phone.
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

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Subject: Re: PostgreSQL 15.10 update corrective action for ATTACH PARTITION/DETACH PARTITION
From: Igor Korot
Subject: Re: Find out the version of the server