prepareCall hangs - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Akhil Srinivasan
Subject prepareCall hangs
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: prepareCall hangs
List pgsql-jdbc
I have a an application that uses a lot of stored functions, some of them which create temporary tables and refcursors that point to the tables. Something that comes up occasionally are errors like

the jdbc code looks like      
        Connection con = poolingDataSource.getConnection();
        CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall("{ ? = call \"insAccount\" ( ? ) }");

        proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER);
        logger.debug("registerCallableStatementForCancel(): exit"+userName);
/* another thread will call statement.cancel() if timeout exceeded*/
        logger.debug("unregisterCallableStatementForCancel(): exit"+userName);
        ResultSet rset = (ResultSet)proc.getObject(1);

Occasionally the prepareCall just hangs, as logging statements show that it does not enter the execute(). The called procedures may or may not user temporary tables. But the functions hang just the same.
Is there anyway i can avoid the hang condition or the next best thing some king of time out mechanism. I have one setup in the event that execute hangs. But i cannot think of how to cancel a prepareCall().

The application has a commons-dbcp maintaining a connection pool to the database server. The jdbc driver used is the jdbc3. The database version is 7.4.5. It has been deployed on a Debian Linux system with kernel version 2.6.8.

Akhil Srinivasan

pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: Akhil Srinivasan
Subject: Re: Problems with temporary tables created in callable functions
From: David Gagnon
Subject: Re: Problems with temporary tables created in callable functions