Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades. - Mailing list pgsql-committers

From Jeff Davis
Subject Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-committers
On Sat, 2025-02-22 at 21:48 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> CREATE INDEX vcharidx ON vchartmp USING GIST ( text(a) );
> The index column will be given the name "text".  However, it
> dumps as
> CREATE INDEX vcharidx ON public.vchartmp USING gist (((a)::text));

Thank you! I dismissed the naming issue too early, going down the path
of something related to GiST.

> and when *that* gets loaded, the index column is given the name
> "a", because FigureColname treats function-like constructs
> differently from cast-like constructs.


> We have dealt with some similar issues in the past, and the
> solution was to allow index columns to be referenced by
> column number not name.  (ALTER INDEX ... ALTER COLUMN ...
> SET STATISTICS does that, not sure if there are other places.)
> Recommend adopting the same solution here.

I'll submit a patch to the -hackers thread. There are a few minor
choices here that might get some discussion.

    Jeff Davis

pgsql-committers by date:

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Subject: pgsql: pg_amcheck: PQclear query results
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