On 27.04.22 11:53, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Now, another possibility is to say "naah, this is too hard", or even
> "naah, there's no time to write all that for this release". That might
> be okay, but in that case let's add an implementation restriction to
> ensure that we don't paint ourselves in a corner regarding what is
> reasonable behavior. For example, an easy restriction might be: if a
> table is in multiple publications with mismatching row filters/column
> lists, then a subscriber is not allowed to subscribe to both
> publications. (Maybe this restriction isn't exactly what we need so
> that it actually implements what we need, not sure). Then, if/when in
> the future we implement this correctly, we can lift the restriction.
My feeling is also that we should prohibit the combinations that we
cannot make work correctly.