On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 17:47:32 -0500, Terry Letsche <terry@letsche.net> wrote:
> Hi. I'm using PostgreSQL for a database course. Each user has their own
> database on the system. Each database is named the same as the user's
> user name, and pg_hba.conf is set to require sameuser and a password.
First off, go (re)read the docs for pg_hba.conf carefully! Things
like sameuser and password are not anded, they are
first-match-succeeds! So, if you have "... ident sameuser" in your
pg_hba.conf before the password entry, passwords will not be required.
> I'm guessing that I'm overlooking something obvious here. What do I need
> to do so that users can't see anything from the other users in pgadmin3?
> Or, if that's not possible, what can be done to minimize this problem?
I suspect that in order to not be able to see other users' tables, you
must revoke permissions on the pg_catalog schema (and for the
enterprising users the information_schema schema too I suspect), which
is where all the views and whatnot that pgadmin queries to list tables
live. If this is for a course, I'd bet on students being enterprising
when trying to circumvent access restrictions :)
-- -- Cheetah