Recently I have been put on a project that uses DB2 (not my choice). I am using functions for reports and was told this may not be allowed. They said:
One gap is the ability to tune the code in the function (not really static) or to perform real-time analysis of performance problems.
Tuning the code in function requires to change the file containing the function defination and reloading the function. Hence the cycle of performance tuning is longer.
Regarding "real time analysis" what I understand is
EXPLAIN ANALYSE (of main SQL using the function) in postgresql cannot provide the realtime analysis of the performace of queries inside the function. probably such a limitation may exists in db2 also.
I think the gap is genuine.
regds mallah.
I normally use PostgreSQL for all my applications (this being an exception). Does anyone know what this statement is about and, more importantly, does PostgreSQL have the same limitations?