Re: Index AM API cleanup - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Peter Eisentraut
Subject Re: Index AM API cleanup
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Index AM API cleanup  (Peter Eisentraut <>)
List pgsql-hackers
Here is a rebased version of the main patch set.

As before, the patches marked [TEST] are not intended for committing, 
they are just to support testing this patch series.

Also, after some offline discussions, we are disregarding patch 0004 
"WIP: Add cluster support to the index AM API" for now.  It needs a 
different approach.

The remaining patches

0008 Generalize hash and ordering support in amapi
0010 WIP: Some stuff in AlterOpFamilyAdd
0011 FIXME: Fix direct cast from strategy to cmptype
0012 Use CompareType more and StrategyNumber less
0013 Generalize predicate tests beyond btree strategies
0014 Allow non-btree indexes to participate in mergejoin
0015 Replace various references to btree strategies

are in play at various stages of readiness.

I think 0008 is pretty much ready with some comment and documentation 

0013 and 0014 are also pretty straightforward.

The others (0010, 0011, 0012, 0015) still need a bit of work in some 
details, but overall the concepts are pretty solid now.


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