>>> Hi, I cant find any function, which tells me something like session
>>> id. Is there something like that? I need it in my AM, because I need
>>> to know, if something which I wrote in file was written in this
>>> current session or previously.
>> How about
>> select procpid||' '||backend_start from pg_stat_activity;
>> Yours,
>> Laurenz Albe
>Something like this would be maybe possible, but this select can
>return more rows, when the user is connected with more instances...
>David Hoksza
You could do this:
SELECT procpid||' '||backend_startFROM pg_stat_activityWHERE datname = current_database()AND usename = session_userAND
client_addr= inet_client_addr()AND client_port = inet_client_port();