CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_trigger_raw_email(int4, text) RETURNS bool AS '/usr/local/pgsql/jsbali/parser', 'parse_email' LANGUAGE 'c' VOLATILE STRICT; ALTER FUNCTION sp_trigger_raw_email(int4,text ) OWNER TO postgres;
function parse_email(int caseno, char *rawemail) populates a few global variables first and then call another function parse_header(). function parse_header() makes use of the global variables and then using ECPG stores values in a table in the database.
My question is, when we try to make use of a specific function of a shared object dynamically loaded as show above, then would that function be able to access all global variables populated elsewhere in the program or all the global variables can't be accessed inside that function of the shared object.
Also, in the above function definition, the signature of parse_email function is parse_email(int, char*) and i am passing (int4 , text) to int as seen in the function code pasted above. Is text in pgsql going to match with char* or i should use some other datatype?