Re: Lookup tables - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Karsten Hilbert
Subject Re: Lookup tables
Msg-id Z6KKM-238qVg7pFi@hermes.hilbert.loc
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Lookup tables  (Thiemo Kellner <>)
List pgsql-general
Am Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 10:41:38PM +0100 schrieb Thiemo Kellner:

> >> On 4 Feb 2025, at 18:27, Thiemo Kellner <> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Unless the lookup table is actually a check constraint one can use to populate dropdown boxes in an interface.
> >
> > That is even worse because it ceases being transactional and users might select something different than what they
seeon the screen. 
> I might see what you want to point out. E.g. the table is COLOURS. The rec with id 1 is RED, the one with id 2 is
BLUE,3 is GREE and so on. Now you load these values into the dropdown box that sports RED, BLUE, GREE and so on. While
someoneselects GREE, there is a maintenance release changing GREE to YELLOW. So when that someone sends the selection
byid to the backend, not GREE is selected but YELLOW. 

Yep, that's what I meant and which I never thought of before.

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pgsql-general by date:

From: Thiemo Kellner
Subject: Re: Lookup tables
From: Greg Sabino Mullane
Subject: Re: Understanding ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES Behavior in PostgreSQL