Re: Lookup tables - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Karsten Hilbert
Subject Re: Lookup tables
Msg-id Z6JFgsSGF_kM4yLE@hermes.hilbert.loc
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Lookup tables  (Michał Kłeczek <>)
Responses Re: Lookup tables
Re: Lookup tables
List pgsql-general
Am Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 05:31:13PM +0100 schrieb Michał Kłeczek:

> It is now completely unclear what it means to change the name of the restaurant for already registered visits.
> Is it still the same restaurant with a different name or a different restaurant?
> Or let say someone swaps names of two restaurants.
> That means a user that goes to the same restaurant every day would register visits to two different restaurants!
> Using the name of a restaurant as primary key gets rid of these logical anomalies because
> the database model now reflects facts from reality.

Reality tends to become so ambiguous as to not be
reflectable (two entirely different restaurants eventually,
within the flow of time, carry the very same name).

A primary key is very likely not the proper place to reflect
arbitrary business logic (is it the same restaurant or not ?
what if two restaurants have the same name at the same time
?). Primary keys are tools at the technical level.

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pgsql-general by date:

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Subject: Re: Index usage with differing string types
From: Rob Sargent
Subject: Re: Lookup tables