On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 04:51:44PM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> I spent a bunch of time looking at this today and I have more sympathy
> for Justin's previous proposal now. I found it somewhat hacky that he
> was relying on the hard-coded value of LargeObjectRelationId and
> LargeObjectLOidPNIndexId, but I discovered that it's harder to do
> better than I had assumed. Suppose we don't want to compare against a
> hard-coded constant but against the value that is actually present
> before the dump overwrites the pg_class row's relfilenode. Well, we
> can't get that value from the database in question before restoring
> the dump, because restoring either the dump creates or recreates the
> database in all cases. The CREATE DATABASE command that will be part
> of the dump always specifies TEMPLATE template0, so if we want
> something other than a hard-coded constant, we need the
> pg_class.relfilenode values from template0 for pg_largeobject and
> pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index. But we can't connect to that database to
> query those values, because it has datallowconn = false. Oops.
> I have a few more ideas to try here. It occurs to me that we could fix
> this more cleanly if we could get the dump itself to set the
> relfilenode for pg_largeobject to the desired value. Right now, it's
> just overwriting the relfilenode stored in the catalog without
> actually doing anything that would cause a change on disk. But if we
> could make it change the relfilenode in a more principled way that
> would actually cause an on-disk change, then the orphaned-file problem
> would be fixed, because we'd always be installing the new file over
> top of the old file. I'm going to investigate how hard it would be to
> make that work.
Thanks for all the details here. This originally sounded like the new
cluster was keeping around some orphaned relation files with the old
LOs still stored in it. But as that's just the freshly initdb'd
relfilenodes of pg_largeobject, that does not strike me as something
absolutely critical to fix for v15 as orphaned relfilenodes are an
existing problem. If we finish with a solution rather simple in
design, I'd be fine to stick a fix in REL_15_STABLE, but playing with
this stable branch more than necessary may be risky after beta2. At
the end, I would be fine to drop the open item now that the main issue
has been fixed.