"Ets ROLLAND" wrote
> I made the port of an Access 2002 Database to PostgreSQL 8, it seems to
> work. I still use MS-Access 2002 for the application, using ODBC with
> linked tables.
> For all the data created BEFORE the transfert to PostgreSQL, all works
> fine. For the records created SINCE this transfert, it is impossible to
> modify or delete these records !? MS-Access say that "The record is
> acceded by an other user", even I am the only user.
try an older psqlodbc driver. In my opinion psqlodbc-07_02_0005 or psqlodbc-
07_02_0004 should work, as I mentioned below. I had the same error with the
newer drivers.
Alles Gute,
(For mail change "devnull" to my first name.)
oans zwoa drei fia