The documentation on PL/pgSQL reads:
name class%ROWTYPE;
Declares a row with the structure of the given class. Class must be an existing table- or
viewname of the database. The fields of the row are accessed in the dot notation.
Parameters to a function can be composite types (complete table rows). In that case, the
corresponding identifier $n will be a rowtype, but it must be aliased using the ALIAS
command described below. Only the user attributes of a table row are accessible in the
row, no Oid or other system attributes (hence the row could be from a view and view rows
don't have useful system attributes).
The fields of the rowtype inherit the tables fieldsizes or precision for char() etc. data
Does someone used as arguments rowtypes? I failed even to create such function.
I have a table called saldo.
create table saldo ( usename text, saldo float8
Then I try to create a function:
create function test ( ?????? ) reaturns int4 as ' declare x alias for $1; y
saldo%rowtype; begin return 1; end;
' language 'plpgsql';
That's just test function. It does nothing. The question is what should I write instead
of ?????? when I need to feed the function with the rowtype of saldo. I tried
saldo%rowtype. It fails when meet '%';
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Sergey Bondarenko
Relcom-Ukraine system administrator