On 04-May-99 Michael Meskes wrote:
> On Mon, May 03, 1999 at 10:09:32PM +0200, barreiro@arrakis.es wrote:
>> gcc -c -o lml.o lml_prueba.cc -I/usr/include/g++ -I/usr/include/pgsql
>> -L/usr/lib/pgsql -lpq -lpq++ -lstdc++
> Hmm, this command line is kind of strange. First of all the c++ compiler is
> named g++ not gcc. Then it seems you only want to compile and link the code
> (hence the -c) but why do you give linker options (-l*)?
That's right Michael, I use g++ but I write this mail to hasty.
6.4.2 postgres release solve my problems.
Manuel de Vega Barreiro. barreiro@arrakis.es En un lugar de la red
Madrid. Espa�a. de cuyo nombre no quiero
http://www.croftj.net/~barreiro Linux Landia acordarme..........