Typo on that post. Here is what is should be:
echo pg_fetch_result($rsTest,0,"ridStudent");
which still doesn't work.
"Matthew Morvant" <uce@bigfatreddog.com> wrote in message
> Hello All,
> I have a very simple page that illustrates an issue I am having.
> assume that dbConnect() returns a vaild connection and there is at least 1
> record returned)
> <?
> include('GlobalFunctions.php');
> $oConn = dbConnect();
> $rsTest = pg_exec('SELECT "ridStudent" FROM "tblStudent"');
> echo pg_fetch_result($rsTest,0,"ridstudent");
> pg_close($oConn);
> ?>
> Can anyone please explain why this doesn't work. I know that I can use an
> all lowercase alias in the query, but there HAS to be an easier way. I
> currently am referencing everything by ordinal, that is going to bite me
> whenever someone decides to make a "simple" DB change. Is this pg_fetch
> results even the best thing to use?
> Thanks
> Matthew