I guess you could try something like this
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * from json_each(( '{
"ports" : {
"port_abc":{"min": 5, "max": 7, "mean": 6},
"port_def":{"min": 5, "max": 9, "mean": 7},
"port_ghi":{"min": 6, "max": 10, "mean": 8}
) T
WHERE (value::json->>'mean')::float >= 7;
From: David Gauthier <davegauthierpg@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 9:40 PM
To: Postgres General <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Subject: Wildcarding json keys in json query
Let's say I store a jsonb in a column called test_results that looks like this...
port_abc:{min: 5, max: 7, mean: 6},
port_def:{min: 5, max: 9, mean: 7},
port_ghi:{min: 6, max: 10, mean: 8}
And I want to to get all the port names where the mean is >= 7.
select 1 from mytbl where cast(test_results#>'{ports,port_abc,mean}' as float) >= 7 ;
But I want all the ports that have mean >= 7.
select 1 from mytbl where cast(test_results#>'{ports,*,mean}' as float) >= 7 ;
But the "*" doesn't work :-(
Any ideas ?