Re: psqlODBC suggestions - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Jon Raiford
Subject Re: psqlODBC suggestions
Whole thread Raw
In response to psqlODBC suggestions  (Robert Willis <>)
Responses RE: psqlODBC suggestions
List pgsql-odbc

Disclaimer: Please note that I am NOT  a maintainer for the psqlODBC driver. I have been subscribed to this list for a few years now and I am just trying to help out here.  Of course my info below could be completely wrong 😊.


Although I have seen some bug reports and patches come through this list, I’m not sure if this is the official place for such things. It could be that this ODBC driver is just like all the rest of Postgres and it is expected that patches go through the normal Postgres channels.  Have a look here:


Another article explaining the process:


Something else worth noting is that this discussion list is listed as only “Discussion of PostgreSQL’s ODBC interface.” That may also point to this being the wrong forum.


Maybe one of the maintainers can respond and clarify for us?






From: Robert Willis <>
Date: Monday, July 31, 2023 at 5:45 AM
To: <>
Subject: psqlODBC suggestions

Several weeks ago,  I sent a message to this list  (included below).


I would appreciate it if someone on this list would acknowledge

that the message was received.


Thank you,


Robert Willis


From: Robert Willis
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2023 1:20 PM
Subject: ODBC driver changes


To Whom It May Concern:


Please consider making the following changes to the psqlODBC driver.

Items 1 through 3 (the VARBIT and JSON-related changes) should be

non-controversial – I just think someone forgot to put them in the code.


  1. In pgtypes.h,   please add these definitions:

#define PG_TYPE_JSON   114

#define PG_TYPE_VARBIT 1562


You might also consider adding this if it is correct:

#define PG_TYPE_JSONB  3802


  1. In info.c,    add this line immediately after the line containing the

only occurrence of PG_TYPE_BIT  and right before the “break” line in the file:

                case PG_TYPE_VARBIT:


  1. In columninfo.c, add these lines immediately after the line containing the

only occurrence of PG_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TMZONE and right before the “break”

line in the file:

                case PG_TYPE_BIT:

                case PG_TYPE_VARBIT:



  1. In info.c,  in the function PGAPI_ProcedureColumns()  at line 5121 (in the version

15.00 sources)  the following code is added to the query to restrict the answer

to executable items:


                                                                " has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'EXECUTE')");

I suggest changing this to the following  In order to truly make the function return info about actual procedures:


                                                                 " p.prokind = 'p' and"

                                                                " has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'EXECUTE')");


  1. In configure, line 5016 (in the version 15.00 sources) has this:

                                CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$with_libpq/include -  I$with_libpq/include/postgresql/internal"

                I think that really ought to be this:

                                CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$with_libpq/include -I$with_libpq/include/internal"


  1. In connection.c,  I think you should make this change.   The comment explains my reasoning.

Change these lines from:

                appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buf, query);

                if (appendq)


                                appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buf, ";%s", appendq);


                if (query_rollback)


                                appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buf, ";%s %s", rlscmd, per_query_svp);



                appendPQExpBufferStr(&query_buf, query);

/* prepend newline too, in case user SQL ends in a */

               /* dash-dash comment without a final newline character.  Otherwise, */

                /* the appended SQL statement gets treated as part of the comment.  */

                if (appendq)


                                appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buf, "\n;%s", appendq);


                if (query_rollback)


                                appendPQExpBuffer(&query_buf, "\n;%s %s", rlscmd, per_query_svp);



  1. In odbcapi30.c, in  SQLEndTran(),   I think it should return SQL_ERROR if the connection is NOT in auto-commit mode.

Thus, in the SQL_HANDLE_DBC case inside that function, these two lines:

                  CC_clear_error((ConnectionClass *) Handle);

                  ret = PGAPI_Transact(SQL_NULL_HENV, Handle, CompletionType);

should be:

                if (((ConnectionClass *)Handle)->__error_number == CONNECTION_SERVER_REPORTED_SEVERITY_FATAL

                                                    &&     (CC_loves_visible_trans( (ConnectionClass *)Handle  )) )

                  ret = SQL_ERROR;



                    CC_clear_error((ConnectionClass *) Handle);

                    ret = PGAPI_Transact(SQL_NULL_HENV, Handle, CompletionType);




I would be interested in getting your opinion on my suggestions,  and hope the changes merit inclusion in the next release.




Robert Willis


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pgsql-odbc by date:

From: Dave Cramer
Subject: Re: psqlODBC suggestions
From: Robert Willis
Subject: RE: psqlODBC suggestions