I am trying to allow people to save images from their file system to a
directory on my machine called images, for example the path that I want to
save to is /usr/local/apache/htdocs/project/images/.
Obviously from above I am using an Apache web server, PHP and PostgreSQL.
My problem is that you need sudo access to save anything to this
directory so I get a "Permission denied..." error on the browser. I want
to save the image to the images directory and save the path to a table in
my database, however I can do neither in the current situation.
It was suggested to me to use a wrapper that invokes a system call such as
system('sudo upload.php -p password') that will run the program in sudo
but I really don't know where to start with this??
Can anyone please help me?
Richie Duggan
Computer Science IV
University College Cork
Eamil : dugganr@student.cs.ucc.ie richie_dug@yahoo.com
Homepage : http://student.cs.ucc.ie/01/dugganr/index.html