Re: PostgreSQL Syntax questions - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Ben
Subject Re: PostgreSQL Syntax questions
Msg-id Pine.LNX.4.64.0806121622120.3347@localhost.localdomain
Whole thread Raw
In response to PostgreSQL Syntax questions  (krishtpt <>)
List pgsql-general
On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, krishtpt wrote:

> 1. I am trying to disable constraints from a particular table in postgresql.
> But I couldn't get the alter command for the same.

The documentation is generally pretty good, if you know what you're
looking for. At what point in reading

do you get confused?

> 2. I am trying to fetch all the constraints from a specific table using a
> select query. I am using 'select * from pg_constraint'. If I execute this
> query I am able to get all the constraints from all the tables. But I
> couldn't find which constraint is for what table. How can I get this data.
> 3. I am also trying to fetch all the triggers for a specific table using a
> select query. How can I get this data?

In psql, you can issue a command like:

\d <tablename>

...which will give you all the columns, their types, any indices, foreign
keys, triggers, etc. for <tablename>. This sounds like what you're looking

> 4. I also would like to know how can I execute an sql file from windows
> command prompt in postgresql.

Again, psql is probably your friend. I'm not familiar with windows, but I
believe it allows redirection in the command prompt. In unix, you would:

psql <connection args> < file.sql

... and everything in file.sql would be executed as if you had typed it in

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