I have a little trouble with the chr() function.
I have a string like this:
which should be converted to binary string like:
"Copyright © 1856 Naïve retros®"
Is there an easy way to do this conversion?
I have tried to do it with a function, but it fails. The script is at
the end of the mail.
Description of percent encoding:
drop function percent2bin(text);
create function percent2bin(text) returns text as $Q$
intxt alias for $1;
res text;
r text;
idx int;
c text;
n1 int;
RAISE NOTICE 'Input: %',intxt;
r := regexp_replace(intxt, E'\\+', ' ', 'g');
idx := 1;
res := '';
while idx <= length(r) loop
c := substring(r from idx for 1);
if c = '%' and idx+2<=length(r) then
n1 := asciihex2bin(substring(r from idx+1 for 2));
RAISE NOTICE 'Char: %, %',substring(r from idx+1 for 2),n1;
if 0 <= n1 and n1 <= 255 then
c := chr(n1); -- HERE IT GOES WRONG
idx := idx + 2;
end if;
end if;
res := res || c;
idx := idx + 1;
end loop;
return res;
$Q$ language PLpgSQL;
rop function asciihex2bin(text);
create function asciihex2bin(text) returns int as $Q$
intxt alias for $1;
n1 int;
n2 int;
idx int;
n1 := 0;
for idx in 1..2 loop
-- get char and convert to binary nul, '0' to '9' will be 0 to 9
n2 := ascii(upper(substring(intxt from idx for 1)))-48;
-- if input was 'A' to 'F', subtract 7
if n2 > 9 then
n2 := n2 - 7;
end if;
-- if out of range, fail
if n2 < 0 or n2 > 15 then
RAISE NOTICE 'Input fault expected 0..15, got: % "%"', n2, intxt;
n2 := 1000;
end if;
if idx = 1 then
n1 := n2 * 16;
n1 := n1 + n2;
end if;
end loop;
return n1;
$Q$ language PLpgSQL;
select asciihex2bin('00');
select asciihex2bin('FF');
select percent2bin('Copyright+%C2%A9+1856+Na%C3%AFve+retros%C2%AE');