> > nspacl = aclitems_switch_grantor(nspacl, datdba)
> Instead of having a hard coded list of template1 objects that need to be
> chowned to the database owner. Perhaps there should be a special user like
> dbowner which owns the schema and whatever other objects are necessary.
> [...]
I agree with the advantage.
But I'm uneasy to know what a special owner would be, pratically speaking.
If it would mean that everywhere in the source code where an owner is
manipulated, there must be some kind of special test for that case, I'm
not sure it would be that great...
Also any database can be used as a template, not just template1.
Moreover, template1 is a still usable database, that can be set with
whatever you want in new created, so it is not "that" special...
Well, that's grain for thoughts anyway;-)
Thanks, have a nice day,
Fabien Coelho - coelho@cri.ensmp.fr