On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I knew you were adding --help-config, but I didn't realize the extent of
> the "features". The commit message is:
> revision 1.1
> date: 2003/07/04 16:41:21; author: tgl; state: Exp;
> Add --help-config facility to dump information about GUC parameters
> without needing a running backend. Reorder postgresql.conf.sample
> to match new layout of runtime.sgml. This commit re-adds work lost
> in Wednesday's crash.
> which I thought was a single option, which we all knew was needed, not
> six additional options for output format. Also, with no documention, or
> a posted list of the flags you wanted to add (at least I never saw it),
> it was easy to miss.
Is there a mailing list somewhere that all the CVS commits get sent to?
Other projects I've worked on have such a list, and each commit message is
followed by a complete diff (usually with -u for readability) so even
non-committers can do a code read right then and there while the changes
are still fresh in the author's mind and can be discussed in detail.
If such a list already exists, where do I subscribe? If not, don't you
think it would be helpful in spreading around fuller knowledge of changes
to the codebase?