Lamar Owen writes:
> Read the spec file for the SuSE RPM. Then reply. Even Reinhard refers to the
> one SRPM I upload as being the 'official' SRPM. Yes, there is a general or
> master SRPM, and it is our SRPM.
"Official" is in the eye of the beholder. If it's on a SuSE CD, then it's
official. Everything else is just a series of coincidences. You call
yours "official", so the SuSE spec file refers to them as such. But in
fact, distributors build packages for their distributions and their
customers, so making them similar to other spec files is just a secondary
> My effort has been expended not in directly building for every distribution,
> but for providing a starting point that the distributions can use and modify
> to their heart's content. By keeping the PGDG set in that role, the various
> distributions have a common starting point, so at least postgresql works
> pretty much the same way across distributions. The copyright notices and
> comments found, in Red Hat, SuSE's, and others RPM specfiles tell the tale to
> all who care to read.
True, but you're under the misimpression that distributors always use your
set and then add on their things. But development also flows the other
way. So at any one point, one set is never a subset of the other. So
there is no hierarchy.
> > Another problem is that changing the directory layout would make the
> > automatic mirroring impossible.
> Please explain.
The directory structure is a mirror of the SuSE FTP site.
Peter Eisentraut