> 1) create one user with password and all Grant on Database. it is a admin
> user
The below steps would help:
$ su - postgres
$ createuser your_user
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y
Use GRANT command to grant privileges to specified user.
> 2) i want to add password to postgres user.
1) If the authentication mode is trust then it is simple. Connect to any
database as postgres and using alter user you must be able to set password
for postgres user.
2) If the authentication mode is any other, then you may not be able to
connect to any database as postgres user, since you didn't set password
for postgres user. So, set the authentication mode to trust and restart
postmaster and repeat step one to set password for postgres user. Finally
restore the authentication mode.