On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, A. Van Hook wrote:
> When updating from 7.2.3 to 7.3.3 we have lost the ability to see the
> passwords in pg_shadow. Is there a way to decrypt the passwords?
The default case (with md5 method in pg_hba.conf) is encrypted passwds.
But you still can doALTER USER foo UNENCRYPTED password 'bar';
dynacom=# SELECT * from pg_shadow where usename='foo';usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | passwd
valuntil | useconfig
---------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--------+----------+-----------foo | 100 | f
| f | f | bar |
(1 row)
> thanks
Achilleus Mantzios
S/W Engineer
IT dept
Dynacom Tankers Mngmt
Nikis 4, Glyfada
Athens 16610
tel: +30-210-8981112
fax: +30-210-8981877
email: achill at matrix dot gatewaynet dot com mantzios at softlab dot ece dot ntua dot gr