> [wim@vanweersch wim]$ createuser
> Enter name of user to add: anja
> Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
> Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n
> psql: FATAL 1: user "wim" does not exist
> createuser: creation of user "anja" failed
In the first place, you have not created the user 'wim'. You create him as
a super user and he must be able to create other users like anja.
> [wim@vanweersch wim]$ createdb test -U postgres
> psql: FATAL 1: IDENT authentication failed for user "postgres"
By default, the authentication method is ident. It needs an identd server
and $PGDATA/pg_ident.conf, i suppose. You can change the authentication
method by editing pg_hba.conf. Edit and set it to trust or md5. The same
file contains the description about all possible authentication methods.