Roger Koot writes:
> su - postgres
> createuser -d -a -w test
> createdb -U test test1
> createuser -U test -D -A -w user1
> createuser -U test -D -A -w user2
> ...
> createuser -U test -D -A -w user10
> psql -U test -d test1
> create group users with user user1;
> create group users with user user2;
> ..
> create group users with user user10;
> create table table1 ( val1 varchar(40, val2 text, val3 char(2));
> grant all on table1 to group users;
Check the errors produced by your commands. For example, the repeated
create group commands will fail because the group already exists.
Possibly you also missed some other problems this way.
Peter Eisentraut