On Sat, 1 May 2004, Sebastian Tewes wrote:
> Hello :-)
> got a little prob...
> so my table
> create table warengruppen ( kennung char (1),
> holder int,
> HauptWarenGruppe int,
> BezHWG varchar (50),
> WarenGruppe int,
> BezWG varchar (50));
> the copy syntax
> copy warengruppen FROM '/usr/pgsql/datanorm.wrg' with DELIMITER ';';
> and a smal part of my 'datanorm.wrg'
> S;;011;Dachsteine+Formst.;;;
> S;;011;;0111;Dachst.glatt(Biber);
> S;;011;;0112;Dachst.glatt(Tegal.);
the problem here is that "" is not an integer.
0 is. If you were to write a simple script file to process the input file
and turn the empty fields into 0s where they should be because they're
integers you're set.
OR, you can build a temp table with all text columns, import into that,
then use a select query to change the blank text columns to the character
0, then import that into the target table.