On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Tom Lane wrote:
> =?iso-8859-1?q?MaRCeLO=20PeReiRA?= <gandalf_mp@yahoo.com.br> writes:
> > It isn't the case! I can do everything without
> > problem, and without losing performance. The main
> > problem is the postmaster daemon, that die. (really
> > ;-)
> That's pretty hard to believe (we've not had a postmaster-crashing bug
> in a long time), and it's even harder to believe that the symptoms would
> be as you describe if it did. if the postmaster wasn't there, psql
> connection attempts would fail immediately with "connection refused" or
> similar messages.
I'm pretty sure, from his first message, what he means is that the
postmaster process is going into some kind of loop (100% CPU) and not
responding, not necessarily dying. I'm reasonably certain English is not
Marcelo's first language, so it's understandable he'd miss the mark on the
meaning of a few words here and there.