I am working on the oracle port of my pg application and my data load
script contains \012 characters generated by pg.
Anyone have any ideas on what to change these to so that:
1) oracle doesn't barf during the load (^M causes this... I'm loading from a -D flagged pg_dump sql script not sql
2) I get clean line breaks in perl generated html (^L does not do this.)
Obviously <br> would do it but I'm hoping there is a better candidate
for search and replace.
Thomas Good e-mail: tomg@sqlclinic.net
Programmer/Analyst phone: (+1) 718.818.5528
Residential Services fax: (+1) 718.818.5056
Behavioral Health Services, SVCMC-NY mobile: (+1) 917.282.7359
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SQL Clinic - An Open Source Clinical Record www.sqlclinic.net