I'd have to agree on that point. Although there is probably an interesting
subset of querys that work, but let's face it this is for canned
commercial packages, otherwise the code would be ported including the
network stuff.
For my purposes (DRDA) the present SQL dialect is just fine since the DRDA
standard is really orthogonal to the SQL 9x standards. So, hopefully if I
don't get bogged down with other stuff, the infrastructure will be there
to plug into when the time comes...although it'd be nice to be aware of
some of the nuances before hand to accomadate them.
On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Gavin Sherry wrote:
> I intend on looking into ways to implement SQL*Net/TNS etc. It's not
> pretty but would be remarkably useful. I haven't started looking at it
> yet because PostgreSQL doesn't support all of the Oracle's SQL
> implementation. Until this happens there's really not much point.
> Gavin