Head of development branch (7.3devel) has a problem applying a comment to a
database at the sametime as the database is created using the createdb
The error message states the problem:
pgsql-current-test$ createdb testdb Test
ERROR: Database comments may only be applied to the current database
createdb: comment creation failed (database was created)
The database is created but the comment does indeed fail for the reason given,
as illustrated by:
template1=# \c template1
You are now connected to database template1.
template1=# comment on database testdb is 'Test';
ERROR: Database comments may only be applied to the current database
template1=# \c testdb
You are now connected to database testdb.
testdb=# comment on database testdb is 'Test';
Sorry if this isn't news.
Nigel J. Andrews
Logictree Systems Limited
Computer Consultants