PHP, HTML Forms & PostgreSQL - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Leif Jensen
Subject PHP, HTML Forms & PostgreSQL
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: PHP, HTML Forms & PostgreSQL
List pgsql-general
    Hi all,

  I'm doing some intranet pages using PHP & PostgreSQL. (Our corporate
database is 'of course' using PostgreSQL ;-). I like this interface and
have had great help in looking at PgAdmin, which I have been using from
time to time.

  I have some problems with HTML forms and how they interface to PHP, and
I haven't been able to locate any description of this (neither in the HTML
manuals or in the PHP manuals). From testing and looking at PgAdmin, I
figured out how to name variables and assign values.

  However, my specific problem is using checkboxes:

1) If a checkbox is unchecked, I'm not getting any values,

2) If a checkbox is checked, I'm getting the value 'on' where I need 't'
in the update sql statement.

  Is there any way to make sure the variable (checkbox) will appear in the
php action when the value changes (or every time)? Is there a way to make
the form 'return' 't' in stead of 'on'?

  I'm using

PHP 4.1.1
PostgreSQL 7.2.1
Apache 1.3.23

    Please help,


pgsql-general by date:

From: Frank Joerdens
Subject: Re: inherited columns as foreign keys WAS "no subject"
From: Martijn van Oosterhout
Subject: Re: PHP, HTML Forms & PostgreSQL