On Fri, 4 May 2001, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> > Can this be done? Is this terrible design? Is there any other reasonable
> > way to handle things like this?
> Probably could be done, but the question would be what happens if the
> TRANSACTION_AFTER raises an error condition for whatever reason? You
> can't go back and un-commit the transaction.
> For that case above, you'd probably be better off having something in cron
> or whatever looking at your email-to-send table since it'll get only those
> things that have already committed. You could put all the logic in a
> function on the server still.
Yep, you wouldn't be able to raise a meaningful error at this point.
Comes with the territory.
Cron job scanning a table would work, and is easy to set up.
I have a personal history of moving things like databases, and not always
moving cron jobs with them. It's nice to have solutions stay somewhat
Joel Burton <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington