Re: Small SSL-related patch... - Mailing list pgsql-patches

From Peter Eisentraut
Subject Re: Small SSL-related patch...
Msg-id Pine.LNX.4.21.0009171300130.576-100000@peter
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Small SSL-related patch...  ("Dominic J. Eidson" <>)
Responses Re: Small SSL-related patch...
List pgsql-patches
Dominic J. Eidson writes:

> The only reason I did this, was because it made sense to me to be able to
> do things like downloading the OpenSSL tarball, ./configure'ing and
> make'ing OpenSSL (without doing a "make install",

Naaah, that doesn't work. You can't use packages right out of the source
tree. Besides being unclean it's also unportable and unpredicable.

> with --with-openssl, to get the SSL support. Of course this also assumed
> that libpq would compile in openssl statically, so that libpq-wit-openssl
> could function as drop-in replacement for the old libpq-without-openssl.
> It seems this isn't the case, since I ended up getting unresolved symbol
> errors for several SSL_* functions... Not sure if it was intended to do a
> drop-in (w/o having to recompile applications, just replace libpq and
> restart) or not.

It probably should work that way but we haven't bothered to fix it yet.

Peter Eisentraut

pgsql-patches by date:

From: "Dominic J. Eidson"
Subject: Re: Small SSL-related patch...
From: The Hermit Hacker
Subject: Re: Small SSL-related patch...