I see a todo item
* Views with spaces in view name fail when referenced
I have another one for you:
* Databases with spaces in name fail to be created and destroyed despite
responses to the contrary.
A sample session:
template1=> create database "with space";
template1=> \q
$ psql -d "with space"
Connection to database 'with space' failed.
FATAL 1: InitPostgres could not validate that the database version is
compatible with this level of Postgres even though the database system as a whole appears to be at a
compatible level. You may need to recreate the database with SQL commands DROP
DATABASE and CREATE DATABASE. File '/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/with space/PG_VERSION' does not
exist or no read permission.
(You can't do \c with space or \c "with space" yet. That will be (is) in
the new version.)
Further investigation shows that the directory
/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/with space is totally empty.
template1=> select * from pg_database;
datname |datdba|encoding|datpath
template1 | 100| 0|template1. . .
with space| 101| 0|with space
(4 rows)
template1=> drop database "with space";
Yet, the mysterious empty directory is still there.
Peter Eisentraut - peter_e@gmx.net