Found a little "bug" in pg_dump today.
-- finding the attribute names and types for each table
-- finding the attrs and types for table: 'members'
-- finding the attrs and types for table: 'currentuser'
-- finding DEFAULT expression for attr: 'id'
-- finding the attrs and types for table: 'memberaccess'
-- finding DEFAULT expression for attr: 'id'
-- flagging inherited attributes in subtables
-- dumping out user-defined types
-- dumping out tables
-- dumping out user-defined procedural languages
-- dumping out user-defined functions
-- dumping out user-defined aggregates
-- dumping out user-defined operators
-- dumping out the contents of all of 5 tables
-- dumping out the contents of Table 'members'
-- dumping out the contents of Table 'currentuser'
-- dumping out the contents of Table 'memberaccess'
| postgres | currentuser | table || postgres | currentuser_id_seq
|sequence || postgres | memberaccess | table || postgres | memberaccess_id_seq
| sequence || postgres | members | table |
As you can see, it says it's dumping out 5 tables, while there is only 3
real tables. I guess it's also counting the 2 sequences as tables(or
tuples in this case). This might be right(sequences being tuples), but in
this case they should in my opinion not be counted..
Also, in getTables() in pg_dump.c there are at least a couple of these: if (!res ||
PQresultStatus(res)!= PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed\n");
exit_nicely(g_conn); }
Shouldn't this be more like if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed(%s)\n", PGresultErrorMessage(res)); exit_nicely(g_conn); }
or if (!res) { fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed\n"); exit_nicely(g_conn);
} else if(PGresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed. ERROR:
%s\n",PGresultErrorMessage(res)); exit_nicely(g_conn); }
Ole Gjerde