my first question was without answer, I try it again:
IMHO is a problem with the routine pg_get_ruledef(), this routine is used in
any query in the pg_dump for view dumping. But the pg_get_ruledef() not discern
contrast between view rules defined as 'select * table' and rules defined as
'select * table*' (the query should be run over all classes in the
inheritance hierarchy).
Is it a bug or a limitation? (The pg_dump is unworkable for a views tables
runnig over the inheritance hierarchy?) Problem example:--------------- abil=> create table mother_tab (aaa
int);CREATEabil=>create table son () inherits(mother_tab);CREATEabil=> create view v_mother as select * from
mother_tab*;CREATEabil=>insert into son values (111);INSERT 4946878 1abil=> select * from v_mother;aaa---111(1
row)abil=>SELECT pg_get_ruledef(pg_rewrite.rulename) FROM pg_rewrite WHERErulename ='_RETv_mother';
CREATE RULE "_RETv_mother" AS ON SELECT TO "v_mother" DO INSTEAD SELECT"mother_tab"."aaa" FROM "mother_tab";(1 row)
^^^^^^^^^^^^ but right is "mother_tab*"
---Any comments? (Please)
Karel Z.