I'm new on this list and i'm using postgreSQL 6.5. I think it has done a
great step towards usability since the days when i last took a look at it
(postgres 95).. congrats, you did a very good job.
One thing which I think is really important is PL/pgsql.. I carefully read
the bit of information which is available, but thats not very much..
I have 2 questions.. first, can you point me to some information about
this topic which i maybe have missed?
second, take this procedure from an informix database:
create procedure list_abteilung (p_mandnr smallint) returning smallint, char(30);
define v_abtnr smallint;
define v_abtbez char(30);
foreach select a.abtnr, a.abtbez into v_abtnr, v_abtbez from gm_abt a, gm_maabt m where a.abtnr=m.abtnr and
m.gesperrt<>1 and a.gesperrt<>1 and m.mandant=p_mandnr return v_abtnr, v_abtbez with resume;
end foreach;
end procedure;
i will try to explain the two main features of this procedure: foreach is
a loop which iterates through the resultset of the query; return with
resume returns a row to the caller and then continues with the procedure.
of course i know that this particular procedure could be easily
substituted by a view; i just took it because it is short and
demonstrates this two important features.
so my question is, does PG/plsql support this, if so how, and if not, is
it planned to be supported in the near future?
best regards,
Thomas Veith