On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> Like, pgsql-docs@postgresql.org :) How much of what is already
> done by the Docs Team pertinent to all this, and, if not, why not? If our
> existing manuals don't make good documentation, then why not, and
> shouldn't those be fixed too?
since you asked, i don't like how the web page docs have each little
paragraph on a separate page. for example, in the frame at
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/programmer/index.html, i have to click on
"resources" to see that page, and then "terminology" is on a separate
page. it would be nicer, imho, if each chapter was on one page and the
subchapters were just links to labels within that page. for example, the
"1. introduction" and everything under it, "resources, terminology,
notation, ..." would all be on 1 page, instead of each on separate pages.
it's not a big deal i guess, it just seems really annoying to me when i'm
trying to read over stuff like that.
like, to me, mysql's documentation pages are laid out really well: