I've just resync'd my copy of the source. It compiles ok, but initdb is
now failing with:
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "f": can't parse "f"
Now, running initdb with --debug, I get:
initdb: creating template database in /usr/local/dbase/data/base/template1
Running: postgres -boot -C -F -D/usr/local/dbase/data -d template1
<proname name>
<proowner oid>
<prolang oid>
<proisinh bool>
<proistrusted bool>
<proiscachable bool>
<pronargs int2>
<proretset bool>
<prorettype oid>
<proargtypes oid8>
<probyte_pct int4>
<properbyte_cpu int4>
<propercall_cpu int4>
<prooutin_ratio int4>
<prosrc text>
<probin bytea>
> creating bootstrap relation
bootstrap relation created ok
> Commit End
tuple 1242<Inserting value: 'boolin'
Typ == NULL, typeindex = 3 idx = 0
boolin End InsertValue
Inserting value: '11'
Typ == NULL, typeindex = 10 idx = 1
11 End InsertValue
Inserting value: 'f'
Typ == NULL, typeindex = 10 idx = 2
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "f": can't parse "f"
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "f": can't parse "f"
initdb: could not create template database
initdb: cleaning up by wiping out /usr/local/dbase/data/base/template1
Peter T Mount peter@retep.org.uk or petermount@earthling.net
Main Homepage: http://www.retep.org.uk
************ Someday I may rebuild this signature completely ;-) ************
Work Homepage: http://www.maidstone.gov.uk Work EMail: peter@maidstone.gov.uk