On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Ian Kulmatycki wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know if you can send email using pgsql and triggers or some
> other way?
> Thanks
Some other way: I don't use triggers much. My interface does the
I have perl do it. Using the binding operator ( =~ ) I search a
text str for a regex. If found the perl script looks up a list of
addresses in a db relation and sends them mail. If you want a
look at my src say the word.
Hmm...thinking on this abit: you could insert into a table (named
shell or whatever) a unix command. Then, when your expr evals to
true you could do a system() call...at least in C or perl...
just thinking aloud!
Good hunting,
SVCMC - Center for Behavioral Health
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