> But this only wins if a child process inheriting an open file also
> inherits copies of any locks held by the parent. If not, then the
> issue is moot. Anybody have any idea if file locks work that way?
> Is it portable??
From RedHat 8.0 manages fork(2):
SYNOPSIS #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h>
pid_t fork(void);
DESCRIPTION fork creates a child process that differs from the parent process only in its PID and PPID, and
inthe fact that resource utilizations are set to 0. File locks and pending signals are not inherited.
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And from SunOS 5.8 flock Locks are on files, not file descriptors. That is, file descriptors duplicated
through dup(2) or fork(2) do not result in multiple instances of a lock, but rather multiple references to a
singlelock. If a process holding a lock on a file forks and the child explicitly unlocks the file, the parent
will lose its lock. Locks are not inherited by a child process.
If I understand correctly it says that if parent dies, file is unlocked no
matter if there's children still running?
Antti Haapala