I tried to get something like this working, but couldn't. It seems like
the lo_import/lo_export used to store information in the database works
with files on the server, so it doesn't help to go through a jdbc
connection. I'm not sure about storing them in bytes[]. That might work.
Tell me if you figure it out. I wanted to store graphic images in a
database (logos for the application), but I couldn't get them through the
jdbc connection.
Travis Bauer | CS Grad Student | IU |www.cs.indiana.edu/~trbauer
On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Gabriel [iso-8859-1] L�pez Mill�n wrote:
> Hello all.
> I'm developer in Java with JDBC2.0.
> How can I stora a binary (byte []) (such a certificate X.509,
> request of certificate, etc).
> Can I use the Type String (I think that not)?
> Should I use LOB?
> Thanks a lot. Gabi.