One problem you may have with this is that if a function accesses some
table, the user who uses that function must also have permissions on the
table. I have a similar problem. I'd like to give permissions on a view,
but not on the table underlying the view (the view serves to filter out
some records the user shouldn't see). I can't give permission to use view
without giving permission to use the table.
Travis Bauer | CS Grad Student | IU |
On Tue, 23 May 2000, Emmanuel Motchane wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out how to restrict user access to a database to
> a few defined functions, so that users could use the database (and update
> it) but only through a set of procedures, written for exemple in C and
> using the Server Programming
> interface.
> I am new to PostgreSQL so sorry if this question is irrelevant to this
> list.
> Thanks in advance,
> Emmanuel Motchane